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Category: Agreements

Via libera in Europa all’AI ACT per regolare l’uso dell’Intelligenza Artificiale

Il Parlamento europeo ha compiuto un passo significativo verso la regolamentazione dell’intelligenza artificiale (IA).

Google Cloud partners with Tezos blockchain to bring web3 technology to its customers

Google Cloud partners with Tezos blockchain to bring web3 technology to its customers. This is another area where Google Cloud is partnering with the Tezos Foundation to provide select startups in the web3 ecosystem with this type of support.

EU tech tsar Vestager sees political agreement on AI law this year

A preliminary deal reached on Thursday by members of the European Parliament to push through the draft of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act to a vote by a committee of lawmakers on May 11. Parliament will then thrash out the bill’s final details with EU member states and the European Commission before it becomes law.