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Artificial Intelligence Opens Up The World Of Financial Services

If you’re running a financial services firm, and you want to promote digital transformation, you need to decide what exactly needs to be transformed. “In all honesty, what areas aren’t there?” says Teddy Flo, general counsel at Zest AI. “The financial services industry is vastly behind other consumer-centric industries in a lot of ways.”

What will AI regulation look like for businesses?

Unlike food, medicine, and cars, we have yet to see clear regulations or laws to guide AI design in the US. Without standard guidelines, companies that design and develop ML models have historically worked off of their own perceptions of right and wrong.

The Impact of AI on the Future of Sustainable Fashion

The Impact of AI on the Future of Sustainable Fashion

EU tech tsar Vestager sees political agreement on AI law this year

A preliminary deal reached on Thursday by members of the European Parliament to push through the draft of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act to a vote by a committee of lawmakers on May 11. Parliament will then thrash out the bill’s final details with EU member states and the European Commission before it becomes law.