RASSEGNA STAMPA: Cybersecurity
11 Cybersecurity Trends for 2023
Global turbulence or politically volatile events can trigger serious cybersecurity risks. Moreover, events with potential international impact often set trends to shape action and response in the sphere of information technology and cybersecurity. As a prime example, the COVID-19 pandemic created a fertile ground for cybercriminals and malware groups to develop virus-based threat campaigns and misinformation around treatment, such as vaccines. Whenever important issues arise, these provide ammunition to lead phishing, malware and other cyberattacks.
The State of AI and Cybersecurity in 2023
As the old expression goes, âspeed kills,â and the realm of cybersecurity is no different. AI cyber attacks have the potential to enable hackers to work faster to break into networks and find critical data assets before security analysts have a chance to spot them.
How AI Will Change Cybersecurity in 2023
Repetitive tasks within cybersecurity will undoubtedly get moved over to AI-based automation. This includes job roles that involve simply…
2023 ENISA AI Cybersecurity Conference
ENISA contributes to EU cyber policy, enhances the trustworthiness of ICT products, services and processes with cybersecurity certification schemes, cooperates…
3rd IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC)
Welcome to the official website of 3rd IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC). The conference will be held on 7-9 February 2024.
The Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security (AICS) Workshop is a one-day workshop held during the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference
2024 and Artificial Intelligence
The post Microsoft Chief Brad Smith wants AI to be controlled by 2024 appeared first on Cybersecurity Insiders. âĶ Nominations for the 2024 Global Achievement …
AI Virtual Cybersecurity Summit 2024
Join the AI Virtual Cybersecurity Summit and dive into the future of technology. Engage with AI visionaries, explore cutting-edge insights, and learn how to …
THE BEST 2024 – Connect With The Cybersecurity Industry
Take your place in THE BEST 2024 Cybersecurity conference and help us to create a unique opportunity for Partners, Delegates and Speakers to connect with …
The New Frontier: Top 10 Emerging Cybersecurity Threats for 2024 & Beyond
From supply chain software attacks to emerging threats from AI, this blog explores the top 10 emerging cybersecurity threats for 2024 and beyond.
AI in Security Industry Expected to Exceed $35 Billion by 2024
The report says that AI, specifically in the security segment, is projected to exceed $35 billion by 2024. The report segments AI on the lines …
Welcome – Big Data & AI World 2024
Experience cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas at the leading Big Data and AI event in the UK. Secure your free ticket.
AI WEEK 2024 – La Settimana Italiana dell’Intelligenza Artificiale
Presidente Responsible AI Institute e Former Global Chief AI Officer di IBM … ChatBot e Virtual Assistant; Big Data; Cybersecurity; Open Innovation …
Il senso dellâItalia per la cyber security, altri 220 milioni nel 2024
FONDI x la Cybersecurity in Italia, 2024
Master I livello in Cybersecurity Management
Master I livello in Cybersecurity Management. L’Università Campus Bio-Medico … 2024. l Master risponde alla necessità di nuovi professionisti nel campo della protezione delle strutture informatiche di aziende, enti e pubbliche amministrazioni.
Nuovi obblighi di cyber sicurezza per le aziende entro il 2024
28 mar 2023 â à stata approvata dall’Unione Europea la direttiva NIS2: nuovi obblighi di cyber sicurezza per le aziende entro il 18 ottobre.
Agenzia per la cybersicurezza nazionale
L’Agenzia ha il compito di tutelare la sicurezza e la resilienza nello spazio cibernetico. Si occupa di prevenire e mitigare il maggior numero di attacchi …
Sicurezza informatica nelle Pmi: a causare i danni sono …
La sicurezza informatica delle Pmi ÃĻ nel mirino di violazioni e cyber attacchi. Lo riporta Kaspersky. A causare i danni ÃĻ spesso il fattore …
PerchÃĐ la Cyber Security ÃĻ importante per un’azienda
La Cyber Security puÃē aiutare a prevenire o limitare i danni causati da attacchi informatici all’interno delle aziende. Gli investimenti in …
What is the future of cybersecurity?
The future of cybersecurity is difficult to predict. Here’s our team’s look ahead at what the future may hold based on current information.
Cybersecurity Jobs Report: 3.5 Million Unfilled Positions In 2025
Global cybersecurity job vacancies grew by 350 percent, from one million openings in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021, according to Cybersecurity Ventures.
Online Cyber Security Master’s
University of North Dakota. Develop your next-generation cyber skills.
Execweb: Cybersecurity Marketing Platform
We facilitate professional 1:1 virtual meetings between cybersecurity vendors and security practitioners to form mutually beneficial business partnerships.
4 ChatGPT cybersecurity benefits for the enterprise
Cyberdefense automation. ChatGPT could support overworked security operations center (SOC) analysts by automatically analyzing cybersecurity incidents and …
Security Summit – L’evento #1 sulla cyber security in Italia
Security Summit ÃĻ la manifestazione dedicata alla sicurezza delle informazioni, delle reti e dei sistemi informatici che, da anni, appassiona i partecipanti …
Threat Horizon 2024: The cybercrime underworld
The fourth in a series of podcasts exploring Threat Horizon 2024, ISF Analysts discuss the history and evolution of cybercrime.
Marchio e Cyber Security
Contraffazione via internet, frodi, pirateria e cybersquatting. I marchi sono sottoposti sempre piÃđ a minacce, anche a causa della …
Ogni attacco costa 100mila dollari al 40% delle aziende
Cybercrime: ogni attacco ÃĻ un salasso da 100mila dollari per il 40% delle aziende.
Deepfake vocali: tecnologia, prospettive, truffe
Per il momento, siamo solo all’inizio dello sviluppo di adeguati sistemi di protezione contro le contraffazioni dell’IA. à quindi importante …
Nuance, la biometria vocale contro le frodi informatiche
Secondo Nuance sono le tecnologie di autenticazione vocale in azienda, il modo per combattere le frodi informatiche, verso le quali le …
Il vishing e la truffa del âconsenso rubatoâ: cos’ÃĻ e come …
Il vishing o phishing vocale si verifica quando un truffatore crea un sistema vocale automatizzato (o manuale) per fare chiamate vocali …