SPOTLIGHT: Innovazione e Sicurezza: Dall’Intelligenza Artificiale alla Cybersecurity, le Ultime Novità del Mondo Tecnologico
Salesforce announces first London AI data centre
Salesforce has announced the opening of its first AI Center in London, located in the Blue Fin building. The center aims to foster collaboration among industry experts, partners, and customers to advance AI innovation and provide upskilling opportunities. The center hosted its first free event on June 18, training over 100 developers. The decision is part of Salesforce’s £3.1 billion ($4 billion) investment in AI innovation and growth in the UK over five years.
Per trovare lavoro bisogna formarsi in Intelligenza Artificiale
Sviluppare competenze in ambito Intelligenza Artificiale per collocarsi nel mercato del lavoro: orientamento tra i giovani per valorizzare la formazione.
L’Intelligenza Artificiale è entrata negli studi professionali
Uno studio realizzato da The European House Ambrosetti in collaborazione con TeamSystem, sul modo in cui gli studi professionali si stanno muovendo nell’attuale contesto tecnologico.In molti utilizzano la tecnologia anche per innovare i processi o introdurre nuovi servizi. E solo il 30% non ha ancora un piano operativo per introdurre l’AI nelle attività professionali. Il 76,7% è consapevole del ruolo che riveste in chiave innovativa mentre l’80% ha piena fiducia nella qualità dei contenuti generati.
Il Digital vince coi luxury brand
Il settore del retail sta attraversando una significativa trasformazione, guidata dall’adozione di tecnologie digitali come l’intelligenza artificiale, il cloud computing e Internet of Things (IoT). Commercio omnicanale: I retailer si concentrano sulla creazione di esperienze di shopping integrate tra più canali, compresi online, mobile e negozi fisici. Intelligenza artificiale: L’IA viene utilizzata per migliorare le esperienze dei clienti, migliorare l’efficienza operativa e ottimizzare la gestione della catena di approvvigionamento. Segnaletica digitale: La segnaletica digitale diventa sempre più popolare, permettendo ai retailer di creare esperienze in-store interattive e coinvolgenti.
NCSC ramps up support for those at high risk of cyber attacks ahead of election.
L’NCSC – (The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) provides cyber security guidance and support helping to make the UK the safest place to live and work online. The NCSC launched a new Personal Internet Protection service at CYBERUK 2024 to help protect high-risk individuals like political candidates and election officials from cyber threats like spear-phishing and malware during the upcoming election year. The opt-in service provides extra security by warning users about known malicious domains. The NCSC also released new guidance for civil society groups whose work advancing democracy puts them at risk of targeting by state-sponsored cyber actors.
“Più Umani, con Intelligenza”
Il Consiglio d’Europa ha adottato il primo trattato internazionale giuridicamente vincolante per garantire il rispetto dei diritti umani, della democrazia e dello Stato di diritto nell’utilizzo dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale (IA). Il trattato, aperto anche ai paesi non europei, copre l’utilizzo dei sistemi di IA nel settore pubblico e nel settore privato e prevede requisiti di trasparenza e controllo adattati ai contesti e ai rischi specifici. La convenzione richiede anche alle parti di istituire un meccanismo di controllo indipendente.
L’intelligenza artificiale come ingrediente per i network
Il 26 giugno, ore 09:30 – 16:30, si terrà l’evento “Telco per l’Italia” in live streaming. Tra i temi chiave: Investimenti in reti sottomarine e satellitari in aumento. L’Italia può diventare “hub” e chiudere il digital divide. Monetizzare gli investimenti in reti e spingere l’adozione, nonostante il divario tra copertura fibra e take up. Serve rendere le reti più adatte alle sfide future, anche in ottica green.
Hackers start war between Australia and China
The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China has revealed that at least six Australian parliamentarians from both major parties have been targeted by Chinese state-sponsored hackers from the notorious APT31 group. This follows a wider Chinese cyber campaign against politicians and public figures in several countries. The attacks aim to silence, intimidate, and discredit those who speak out against Beijing’s repression and international belligerence.
Vietnam: Cybersecurity risks and personal Data
This report dives into the respective regulations that encompass Vietnam’s personal data protection regime, with particular emphasis on the Personal Data Protection Decree. As the country’s legal landscape evolves in this domain. An insightful guidance and compliance advisory for businesses that collect, process, use, or manage personal information of Vietnamese citizens or whose enterprises could be exposed to cybersecurity risks associated with personal data.
Cyberattack targets London Hospitals
A recent ransomware attack on Synnovis, a provider of lab services, has disrupted operations at several London hospitals, including King’s College Hospital and Guy’s and St Thomas’, and primary care services. The attack, believed to be carried out by Russian cybercriminals, has led to the cancellation of operations, blood transfusions, and test results. The incident highlights the escalating threat landscape and the importance of cybersecurity in the healthcare sector, where valuable data is at risk. Experts stress the need for robust cybersecurity measures, including regular testing and due diligence when selecting third-party suppliers, to mitigate the risk of such attacks.
Il Robot “addosso” per risparmiare energia
Researchers have developed a method to train and control wearable robots to directly benefit humans. The system, tested with able-bodied individuals, reduced metabolic energy consumption by 24.3% when walking, 13.1% when running, and 15.4% when climbing stairs. The method can be applied to assistive robots for both able-bodied and mobility-impaired individuals, and is being tested with older adults and those with neurological conditions.
Pillole “Intelligenti” in 3D
Scientists at the University of Southern California have developed an AI-powered system to track ingestible devices that monitor markers of disease in the gut. The system uses a wearable coil to interact with sensors in the device, allowing for precise location and 3D real-time monitoring of gases in the gut. This technology could help at-risk individuals monitor their gastrointestinal health at home without invasive tests.
La “Terza Età” in un app
Tomiji Suzuki, an 89-year-old Japanese retiree, started coding and developed 11 free iPhone apps to help Japan’s aging population. His latest app, “Outing Prep Voice Slide Show”, uses ChatGPT to fine-tune his skills. Suzuki’s apps, including “Pee Count Record”, aim to address the needs of the elderly, who often struggle with memory and communication.
Brasile: ko i ladri di cellulari
Google has chosen Brazil to test a new AI-powered system to automatically block stolen Android smartphones. The features include a private space to hide sensitive data, automatic screen blocking, and remote data blocking without a password. The pilot version will be available in Brazil from July and will later roll out to billions of devices worldwide.
FRANCE: Olympic Games
Taxi volanti a Parigi
France’s transport minister, Patrice Vergriete, announced that “flying taxis” will be allowed for experimental use during the Paris Olympics. However, they will not be available to the general public and will be limited to specific roles such as ambulance use. The minister aims to analyze the impact and cost-benefit of the technology before making a final decision.
Il “Gioco della Musica”
The rise of AI music generation tools raises concerns about the future of human-made music. However, the article argues that human music-making is unlikely to disappear due to its fundamental human nature, connection to experiences and identities, and benefits beyond commercial success. AI presents opportunities to democratize music-making and enhance education and therapy, but human music-making will continue to thrive.
Navigare sicuri con l’algoritmo
Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have developed an algorithm that can remove rain, snow, and fog from images taken by ship cameras and sensors in the Arctic. This technology aims to improve safety in extreme weather conditions by providing clearer images for autonomous navigation systems. The algorithm was trained on thousands of images from the Arctic and can filter out visual impediments, allowing for better modeling of sea ice and safer navigation.
La fotografia diventa scultura
Researchers at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences have developed a technology that transforms 2D images into 3D sculptures. The prototype uses generative AI and manipulates geometry to allow users to view images from multiple angles and move them around. This technology can be used to create more realistic and detailed images, such as placing cherries on top of a cake.
Dalla Svizzera la Ai “Selfservice”
Studiata per i per i data scientist che analizzano ed elaborano grandi volumi di dati e sviluppano e addestrano modelli, Swisscom lancia la Swiss AI Platform, una piattaforma modulare che offre accesso a supercomputer NVIDIA, servizi AI generativi, un AI Work Hub per lo sviluppo di soluzioni AI e una libreria di modelli. Swiss AI Platform è progettata per organizzazioni che necessitano di una piattaforma per lo sviluppo di applicazioni AI con grandi volumi di dati da elaborare.